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Nursery Admissions

Thank you for considering our Harris Primary Academy Kenley for your child.

Nursery Admissions

Our Nursery at HPAK is an Early Years provision with warm and welcoming staff, who are a dedicated team of individuals working together to promote a wide and varied Early Years provision. Our highly qualified and experienced staff offer the children a learning through play based experience as required for the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Our Nursery class offers 52 places (26 each session). This is a mixture of full time (30 hours) and part time (15 hours) places. Children can start in Nursery the term after their third birthday, if places are available.

At present, all three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare per week, up to 38 weeks per year. The government has also introduced an extended 15 hours of free childcare per week - 30 hours in total for 38 weeks per year, for those families that are eligible.

The hours for the Nursery are as follows: Morning sessions 8.30am - 11.30am, afternoon sessions 12.30pm - 3.30pm. For those who attend full days, the hours are 8:30am - 3:30pm. 

How to Apply: 

Applications for a place in our Nursery can be made directly to the school, by collecting an application form from the school office and returning it directly to the school once completed. 

If you would like to apply for a place in our Nursery, please complete our application form and return to the Academy office. 

Please click here for an application form and return it to us either via email using the following email address,, or the school office.

Open Days: 

We will be hosting a range of open days for prospective parents and carers to visit the academy. Please see below for dates: 

  • Thursday 12th September at 10am and 5pm
  • Thursday 10th October at 10am and 5pm
  • Thursday 7th November at 10am and 5pm
  • Thursday 12th December at 10am and 5pm 
  • Thursday 9th January at 10am and 5pm

If you would like to book a place on the tour please do so using the following link: 

We can assist you with the eligibility criteria for the universal 15 hours free child care and extended 15 hours free child care (30 hours).

Information about the extended 30 hours free childcare can also be found by visiting the following website:

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